12 Breathtaking Ideas for Luxury Basements

What comes to mind when you hear “luxury basements”? A beautiful, fully-stocked bar? How about a wall-to-wall screen, theater seating, and a popcorn machine? Parents may have their sites set on an inviting, safe, and engaging space where the kiddos can go crazy (before mom or dad does). Some homeowners use the basement finishing project as a time to build in some of the “love-t0-have” features that didn’t make it into the original home design.

Everyone has a different definition of “luxury basements”

After working with hundreds of homeowners in the Denver area achieve their subterranean dreams, one thing I’ve learned – everyone has a different definition of “luxury basements”. With that in mind, our first step with every project is to bring folks into our showroom where we can frame out that individual’s version of the utopian basement.

Which is your Favorite of these Luxury Basements?

1. The Bar

luxury basements - The Bar

Cocktail connoisseurs and tea-totalers alike can enjoy this gorgeous hangout space.

2. Family Room Entertainment Center

luxury basements - Family Room Entertainment Center

Getting everyone to decide on what to watch can be tough – why not all of them at once?

3. The Playroom

luxury basements - play room

Parents are always amazed how much quieter the house is when the kiddos are on the bottom floor (and having a blast!).

4. Arcade

luxury basements - arcade

Hours and hours of fun – no tokens required!

5. Wine Cellar

luxury basements - wine cellar

Sommelier not included.

6. Cozy Living Space

luxury basements - cozy living space

You may never want to leave.

7. Home Office

luxury basements - hom eoffice

Whether you’re actually getting work done, or just enjoying the solitude, having a stellar home office can have a huge impact on your bottom line – talk about positive ROI!

8. Guest Quarters

luxury basements - guest room

When guests stay over, they can crash in style!

9. Library

luxury basements - home library

Create your own ideal reading environment, right in your own home!

10. Putting Greens

luxury basements - putting greens

Think of all the money you’ll save at the country club!

11. Smoking Lounge

luxury basements - smoking lounge

Smoke ’em if you got ’em!

12. Swimming Pool

luxury basements - swimming pool

Yes. It is possible to put in a swimming pool in your basement. As long as you’ve got the budget for it 😉

Want to take the next step towards getting some of these luxury basements ideas in your home?

We’d love to talk with you and learn more about how to make your dream luxury basement into a reality. You can give us a call or swing by the showroom, during normal business hours, or if you prefer to get a quick estimate now, we can do that too!